Strange things

Today, we finally got our monthly shop in the city done. We got the main shopping done at Costco, and still had energy enough to take in a couple more stores. It made for a long, achy day. I forgot to take pain killers before we left. Ah, well.

We encountered a couple of strange things in the process. The first was at Costco, when we stopped to look at a food dehydrator. I had one but passed it on before the move, and will be wanting to replace it by the time we start gardening. The one on display was tipped over on its side, so while we were maneuvering it around so we could see it properly, we got a good look at the settings.

We both did double takes.

Living food? What on earth is “living food” supposed to be? It’s already got settings for yogurt, so not bacteria, and bread, so not yeast. I’m familiar with the raw food diets and the claims about enzymes, but there’s fruit and vegetable settings there, too. I’ve even been doing searches, and I’ve found a Living Food Institute, living food as a brand name for, among other things, dehydrators, and raw food diets that define living foods as “all natural and uncooked.” Which doesn’t explain having its own setting.

Very strange! 😀

Then as we were heading into another grocery store for things we don’t want to buy in bulk, we walked past a cart corral and spotted this…


Someone left their liverwurst behind, and there it sits, all sad and lonely. Strange, indeed! 😀

It was a productive shop, though the Costco was very busy for a Tuesday morning! My daughter and I were both pretty sore and tired by the time we got home. My younger daughter had a shift today; we dropped her off, then headed straight to the city. One of the things we got were cat treats for the mamas in the sun room, so before I headed out again to pick her up, I took some time to sit in the sun room with them.

Beep Beep could not get enough cuddles!

I spread cat treats in different areas, including the box nest I hope Beep Beep will use when she has her babies, as well as tucking some under the blanket for Butterscotch. She would be in this picture, too, if the blanket were lifted up. 😀 Beep Beep was a real greedy guts and ate up all the other treats, then came over to me and demanded all of my attention!

Having a heavily pregnant cat try and roll around on your stomach and chest is truly amusing.

And painful. She kept slipping, and she has very sharp claws!

I’m happy to say that, by the end of the day, I could see that both cats had used the litter box. I was really hoping they wouldn’t find the litter too odd and just used the floor or something. I’m also happy to say that Butterscotch seems quite okay with me being around her and the kittens, and purrs up a storm when I reach under the blanket to pet her, and even touch her babies. They are so adorable!!!

There is one thing about having them in the sun room that makes things less convenient; we can’t go outside through it right now. I don’t want to take a chance of either of the mamas getting out. The bags of outside cat food are kept in the old kitchen, but the deer/bird feed is in a bin in the sun room. That means getting the cat food from the old kitchen, then walking through the house to the main doorway, then back to the sun room, from the outside, to the cat’s food and water bowls. Then going back through the house, the old kitchen and into the sun room, to get a bucket of feed for the birds and deer. I don’t mind, but it is kinda funny.

I was almost finished the last bag of deer feed, so on the way to getting my daughter I stopped to pick up more feed. I am now switching away from the deer feed (which is a mix of mostly oats and sunflower seeds) to straight black oil seed. I don’t expect the deer to be coming by as often, now that things are greening up and food is more available in the bush, and the birds prefer the black oil seeds. The deer are more than happy to eat it, too, so it’s win-win. 🙂

The Re-Farmer

Cats, cats and more cats (on the way)

We are just surrounded by adorableness, inside and out!

I was getting ready to head to the post office when I saw a giant slug, rolling around on my bed.

She had a duster for company.

Fenrir and our mama cat hang out together a lot, these days. 🙂

As I headed outside, I spotted Stinky coming out of the sun room and disappearing under the storage house. Another reason to start closing up the sun room, once we get the mamas set up. Skunks are omnivorous, and I don’t want it going after the babies.

Though there is a good chance we might be seeing some stinky babies at some point, too. I have no idea if our visitor is male or female, but it is more likely to be female

When I was coming back to the house later on, I spotted these two…


At first, I could only see Bob, over on the left, and didn’t see Rolando Moon until I came closer for a photo.

Bob came over for some pets, and we got joined by a Big Beep.


She is getting so huge! More kitties to come!

I think I’m going to head out to the sun room now, and start setting up a litter box, food and water!

The Re-Farmer

That could have been much worse!

Yesterday evening, our drier suddenly started to make an unfortunate noise.

Oh, dear.

Thankfully, it was on the cool down portion of the cycle, so the clothes were dry, but I had another load to go in. I started it up again and the noise continued, so I stopped it.

Thankfully, I could remember where I left the bucket of clothes pins and was able to hang our clothes on the clothes line. It was getting late in the day, though, so I took them in before going to bed. I didn’t want them to get rained or snowed on overnight. They were almost dry. 😀

I don’t know anything useful about driers, but my first thought was “bearing” (well… rollers, but I didn’t know that initially). However, as I took out the load that was in it when it started to make the noise, I found a zipper pull on the bottom of the drum. I checked the shirt it came from as I hung it, and a piece of metal was missing. So that brought in the possibility that the metal got stuck somewhere

I sent a quick email to my older brother, who has worked on this machine before, and described what I was hearing and what I thought it might be. He agreed with the metal piece likely being the culprit. He’s had to deal with stuff like this before; I guess it’s not uncommon, though I’ve never had it happen to me before. He gave me some info, and today I tried to take a look. I could pinpoint where the noise was coming from, which unfortunately meant I could do nothing about it. The noise was coming from just above the door. I started to get down to look inside, but just couldn’t do it. My knees are too shot. In the end, my younger daughter was able to get down on the floor, sitting with her back against the drier, stick her head inside and, using her phone as a flashlight, find the piece of metal. She was able to get it out with some needle nosed pliers.

What would I do without her? ❤

I’m glad it got stuck when it did. I just happened to be close by to hear it right when it started. If it had gotten stuck earlier in the cycle, none of us would have been around to hear it, and it could have broken the machine before any of us noticed there was a problem!

The Re-Farmer

I found babies!!!

I was late putting food out for the critters this morning, though I had put some extra out last night, so I knew they would be fine.

While refilling their water bowls, Butterscotch came out of the sun room and I cuddled her a bit. After putting her down, I found bird feathers on my chest, from her paws! Then she took off.

I figured this would be a safe time to peak behind the box we used as part of our cat shelter in the sun room, and see if that’s where her kittens were.

I was wrong.

They weren’t hidden behind the box. I picked up the corner of the blanket, and they were just there on the swing bench cushion!!!

There’s nothing but the big crochet blanket to hide them.

Oh, my melting heart!

I can also see where the feathers came from. Butterscotch is still the mighty hunter, bringing food back with her when she returns to her kittens.

Over the next little while, I’m hoping we can find a way to close up both Butterscotch and Beep Beep, who should be having kittens pretty soon, in the sun room, with their own food, water and a litter box. Of last year’s kittens, there are still 3 that we were unable to socialize. I’m hoping we can avoid that, this year.

The Re-Farmer

Still working on that whole “spring” thing!

It’s been a chilly few days, with even a bit of snow during the night. Nothing like what they got in other parts of the country, that’s for sure! I actually wouldn’t mind more snow right now. Or rain. Instead, as of yesterday, we are now under a burn ban. It’s just too dry out there.

I had a bit of company while doing my rounds today. Just Rolando Moon this morning.


It’s funny that such an ornery cat acts so affectionate at times. She’s gotten better at letting me pick her up, but not for long. She either jumps down after a few moments, or starts biting at my fingers. Not full-on bites. Just enough to feel it. Then she jumps down. 😀

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