
It occurred to me that we’ve got a lot of posts about sourdough here at The Re-Farmer blog. Enough that I figured it’s worth putting together this page of links, to make it faster and easier for people to find what they are looking for.


Starting a Starter

The first series of links are about our first starter, Sir SourAlot.


Sourdough Pancakes
Almost Alaska Sourdough Hotcakes
Alaska Sourdough Hotcakes: comparison
Sourdough Cornmeal Pancakes

Sourdough Oatmeal Chocolate Chip cookies

Sourdough Banana Bread Muffins
Sourdough Cornmeal Muffins

Quick Sourdough Chocolate Cupcakes

Sourdough Dinner Rolls

Quick and Easy Sourdough Bread, with garlic and Parmesan

Basic Sourdough Rye Bread
Sourdough Rye Bread
Overnight Sourdough Rye Bread

Black Olive and Cheddar Sourdough variation

Sourdough Bread variation: cheese and olive roll

Sourdough Batter Bread, with recipe