Sunday Ginger

With the days getting longer, I’ve been pushing to get my morning rounds done earlier in the day. (Not easy for this night owl!)

Ginger was a bit slow for the early start this morning!

He was all curled up in his favourite spot under the heater bulb, looking all groggy at me. 😀

I actually did get a better picture of him, but this one had a tongue blep, and I can’t resist a tongue blep picture! 😀

My husband had already topped up Ginger’s food bowl, but the outside cats had nothing left in their bowls, so they were quite happy for the earlier feeding!

When I came back to get the feed for the birds and deer, Ginger had come out of his warm spot.

He did not look at all happy about that! 😀 (The wet under him is from a spill while I changed his water, and not … something else.)

He is developing a permanently angry looking expression on his face. In fact, as he gets older, he looks more and more like Rolando Moon. Big, burly and mean looking. 😀

Well, I imagine I’d be looking ticked off if I woke up one day to find part of my body missing, too! 😉

I took advantage of the situation, picked him up and sat on the swing bench for some cuddles.

He’s not too impressed with the phone camera!

He settled right in, though, so I stayed and cuddled him until my daughter came over with his morning medication. Thankfully, I was dressed for it, this time. 😉

Sitting at the window like this, we would sometimes see one of the outside cats go by, and that would get him all perked up. I’m not sure right now it he is wanting to go outside, or wanting the company of other cats. I did bring his sister, Cabbages, in for a visit later on. It didn’t accomplish much. Cabbages wanted to explore and, other than a few passing sniffs, ignored her brother. He wasn’t too happy, though, and hid under my husband’s walker and yelled at her if she got too close. Just a quick little meow that was almost like a barking noise! Which she ignored as she kept on going. 😀

Looking at the long range forecast, we are going to have a really nice day tomorrow, then temperatures are going to plummet as we get what will probably be our last blowout of the winter in a couple of days. Our area is supposed to get between 5-10cm of snow (about 2-4 inches). Right on the day we would normally do our big shopping trip in the city! We are still well stocked for ourselves, but will need to get more cat food and litter, so I am planning to go to the smaller city to pick those up tomorrow.

Which reminds me; PayPal has finally released the donation they’d put a hold on. Thanks to the generosity of those who helped pay for Ginger’s surgery, we don’t have to wait until after the predicted storm to stock up on cat supplies!

Ginger, meanwhile, will be safe and warm in the sun room when the weather turns. He was supposed to go back to the vet after 2 weeks to get the sutures removed, but none of us thought ahead enough to realize that fell on Easter Sunday, so we will look at bringing him in on the Tuesday after.

9 thoughts on “Sunday Ginger

  1. Yay.
    I once removed a kitty’s stitches myself. They were ready and I had experience from removing my own throughout the years.

    Skritches is facing removal of all of her right mammary glands in a couple weeks. I’m already worried about her recovery and ordered a plush bed, which she will surely ignore, for she is a cat.

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