Our 2023 garden: harvesting carrots

It’s been a gorgeous day today! We’ve hit 8C/46F today; warmer than forecast. I took advantage of it, and made our first “winter” harvest from the carrot bed. This bed has a deep mulch of grass clippings on it, plus one of the covers we made for the raised beds is being stored on it for extra protection.

I found Rolando Moon curled up on the mulch, under the cover, enjoying a nap in the sun!

I harvested from the far end of the bed, where it gets more shade and the carrots are smaller. There were some icy shards in the soil and under the mulch, but the ground was not at all frozen. It’s been so mild, though, it probably wouldn’t have been, even without the mulch!

This is today’s harvest of naval carrots, after washing the big dirt off. They just need to be scrubbed individually before eating.

I did, of course, have to try one out. It was incredibly fresh and crisp, and quite tasty.

It’s too early in the season to make conclusions, but so far, storing them in ground looks like it’s going to work out just fine. I don’t know how it’ll do if we start hitting -20C/-4F or colder, but with this being a strong El Niño year, we may only hit those temperatures as overnight lows.

Harvesting these reminded me; I want to do a series of 2023 garden analysis posts, like I did last year. This year’s garden was very different from what was planned or expected! We will have much to think about, for next year’s garden!

The Re-Farmer

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