Our 2024 garden: first!

Okay, I’ve got a couple hours before I can pick up my new computer, but I couldn’t help but make one more post.

We have sproooots!

They are just barely visible, like tiny white worms! 😆

The yellow onions and the shallots, which are both in the large aquarium greenhouse, are emerging.  The red onions are in the small aquarium greenhouse, which is slightly cooler, so that may be why nothing is sprouting there quite yet.

It is so awesome to see new growth!!!

The Re-Farmer

8 thoughts on “Our 2024 garden: first!

    • Since moving here very late 2017, this will be our 6th summer of gardening, and yes, we grow as much food as we can every year. Growing up here, my mother had a huge garden, so to me, a “garden” is growing vegetables. Anything else is a “flower garden”. LOL We started our first garden far earlier than originally planned, and it was pretty small (relatively speaking!), but we were able to amend and expand every year since, until last year, where we ended having a garden maybe half the size of the year before. Hopefully, this year, we’ll get the raised beds in, with or without the planned trellis tunnels, and be able to expand again. As rough as it was the past 2 summers, at least we now know which areas are more prone to flooding!


      • Absolutely love it! I am sure with time my garden will continue expanding! I am really looking toward to the journey. And I think it’s very sad that not many people use their gardens to grow veg!! It’s so easy.

        Liked by 1 person

      • It certainly can be easy – but also really hard! The way my SIL put it, if we had to survive on our garden, we’d starve. LOL Everyone’s situation can be so different. Space, available light, soil conditions, insect and animal damage, the weather… As much as we intend to grow as much of our own food as possible, I remind myself that all it takes is one bad weather event to kill it all! I will always be thankful to have grocery stores! LOL


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