Our 2024 garden: teeny tiny thyme

We have sproooots!

The German Winter Thyme has sprouted.  Gosh, they are so tiny!  I actually had to wait a day before I could get a picture where they could be seen for what they are.

I expect the oregano to sprout next – unless we have problems like last year.  It will be a while longer before I expect to see the peppers sprouting.

We made the living room a cat free zone to protect our house plants.  It has a huge east facing window and gets lots of light for a brief period in the morning.  After that, it’s a pretty dark room.  It’s not too bad for the plants near the window, but our huge jade tree… well… one of them… is against a wall in the middle of the room.  We have another that’s gotten just as big, but with needing the window for seedlings, it’s off to one end of the shelf it’s on, and no longer in front of the window.  The only light it gets is from the shop lights I have over where the seedlings and small plants are. 

Then there are the aloe Vera.  They’re on plant shelf near the older jade tree, which puts them pretty low down. 

The old jade tree is not doing well.  I regularly rotate the pot, so all sides eventually get light – not easy to do, with such big branches, so close to the wall!  Unfortunately, I can see the leaves are getting thinner and less succulent, and a lot of leaves are simply shriveled up.  It does get adequate moisture, and is in a self watering pot.  It’s just not thriving in this location.

There is no room for it, anywhere else. 

What we need is a light fixture along that back wall.  When we moved here, there was a light fixture in the corner where the big aquarium greenhouse is now.  It reaches floor to ceiling, held in place with pressure, and has 3 lights that could have their directions adjusted.  It’s in the storage shed now.  If that thing still works, we could set it up with standard bulb sized grow lights, near the Jade tree.  Those types of grow bulbs are more affordable, anyhow. 

Looks like I need to trek through the snow and see what I can find in the storage shed.  I hate going in there, though.  Every time I do, I’m afraid a cat might sneak in behind me and accidentally get closed in.  That shed is so full of my parents’ stuff, we can’t even access most of it, anymore.  Lots of places for a cat to hide!

I should grab a daughter to go with me and stand guard!

The Re-Farmer

3 thoughts on “Our 2024 garden: teeny tiny thyme

  1. BTW, I want to share something with you, just fyi.

    I decided finally to try the wattle fence, which I first learned about from your blog. I gathered my branches and googled you, specifically, your blog name with the words ‘wattle fence’ and you did not come up. I scrolled through several dozen looking.

    I find it a shame really, which is why I mention it. You are doing good work, useful stuff, and it gets lost in a lot of crap and repetition. It used to be so much better/easier to find stuff.

    Anyway, mini rant.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks! I’m so glad you find it useful. I’m afraid I’m not good with things like SEO and embedding key words and stuff, to bring traffic in. My posts on food and cooking tend to bring in hits from search engines and Pinterest. For some reason, my post on making Kluski has been getting the most hits for months, now! But if it’s not about food or cooking, it doesn’t seem to show up anywhere other than to people who are already following the blog.

      I hear you about how hard it is to find things. I remember when search engines were still a new tool, and all sorts of links would come up. Now, it’s only algorithm approved links that show up.

      Liked by 1 person

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