News, and weird Amazon stuff

The first news: We got a call from the septic guy this morning. He will be able to come out to replace the pill switch in our tank on Friday – just a couple more days of running the pump manually! So I went into town to pick up cash to pay him, then took advantage of the trip to run a few errands.

The second news: I heard from the Cat Lady this morning. Wolfman didn’t eat during the night and is understandably scared. Being taken to a vet today isn’t going to be helping that much. He’s one of the more laid back cats, though, so it won’t take him long to settle in.

Now the weird thing.

Some time ago, my husband got a notice that he’d been approved for a Mastercard.

He hadn’t applied for one.

The only thing they needed was to confirm his ID, which would have included taking a bar code they provided to the post office (I checked with our postmaster, and she was familiar with this sort of thing). The post master would need to see a valid photo ID, though, which my husband still doesn’t have, so the whole thing was just sort of ignored.

Photo by Pixabay on

Well, today, my husband got another email.

The MC he was approved for was with Amazon. They were letting him know that they were sending out his card, but that the number was already attached to his Prime account and ready to use at any time.

He was approved for an $8000 limit.


How can Amazon just decide to send someone a credit card without them ever applying for it? They didn’t even wait for the ID verification process!

My husband and I have both only recently gotten credit cards to help rebuild our credit ratings. Both are low limit cards.

I guess it worked, for him to be approved for $8000!

Clearly, they want him to spend lots of money with them. That’s a temptation he doesn’t need. Particularly since he needs a new computer, too. The old work laptop he’s using has issues and limitations. We’re still paying off my computer, though, so we can’t even think about getting anything else until that’s paid off – and we should be setting money aside for things like vet bills or plumbers or vehicle repairs/maintenance or our next beef order, or…

He’ll take the card, though. It can be put in reserve for any major emergencies.

We’ve been without credit cards for some 20+ years, and now this…


The Re-Farmer

13 thoughts on “News, and weird Amazon stuff

      • I’ve just been looking through his Prime account (we both use it, for the free shipping, etc.). They even sent him the complimentary $35 gift card for being approved. Considering applying for a card is really just a matter of clicking a link, it’s entirely possible my husband applied for it when he made an order and didn’t realize it.

        We have no plans to actually use it, but they did make it the default payment method, so we’ll have to manually change that when we place orders.

        Liked by 1 person

      • It’s been useful for us. Aside from the free shipping, my husband watched Prime Video quite a bit. When it hurts to move, and being on painkillers strong enough to make concentration difficult, watching movies is sometimes about as much as he can manage!

        Liked by 1 person

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