I didn’t think I’d pushed too hard!

… but apparently, I did.

After I finished working outside, I sat at my computer to upload photos and video, write a blog post, etc. I was on the computer for maybe an hour? Hour and a half? I was feeling fine the whole time.

Then I got up to do something, and it hit me.

The first problem was stiffness. Top to bottom.

Then the second problem hit.


Full body pain.

Muscle pain, not my usual osteo pain.

I had forgotten to take painkillers again after I got back inside, because I was feeling so good.

You know it’s bad when my husband can move around better than me.

He took one look at me trying to move around and offered me two of his painkillers.

I only took one.

Good grief. No wonder he’s having such a hard time. It’s had more than enough time to kick in, but I’ve had almost no improvement.

I know I got a lot done today, but only working on the garden bed against the chain link fence was something I’d consider physically taxing, mostly because of all the bending over to pull roots and weeds out. I’ve been doing other manual labour as the days have warmed up, without getting anywhere near like this afterwards. This is really a big surprise for me.

My family, on the other hand, are not.

I guess they know me better than I know myself at times!

My daughters are making me something to eat, and then I’m going to bed.

Hopefully, I will be able to sleep!

The Re-Farmer

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