Gone squirrelly!

Yesterday was a pretty wasted day. I wasn’t feeling well, so I decided to use the day to rest and recover.

I’m still feeling like crap, but not as bad. So I just pain killered up and headed out.

Unfortunately, we just can’t set aside mowing the lawn anymore. The grass is getting too tall, and I don’t want a repeat of the spring my brother and his wife had to come out with their mowing equipment to get it done. This time, the problem is how wet the yard has been.

Still, it needs to be done.

When I last mowed in the outer yard, I broke an attachment on the lawnmower. This was the diverter shield on the side that sends the grass clippings away. The grass was so tall and thick that it kept getting knocked out of position. Well, one time I wasn’t paying close enough attention, it got knocked off, and under the mower.

It is now in several pieces.

The side of the mower where it attaches has a permanent cover over the opening that it attached under. Without it, the opening is well sealed, so that the clippings can either go out the back and into the lawn bag, or if the back is closed up with its plug and cover, the clippings supposedly get mulched into the ground.

That mulch setting doesn’t work very well, and the mower really struggles if it is used.

So that means I need to use the mower bag, whether I want to or not. To set that up, I lifted the back cover and removed the plug.

Where I found evidence of squirrels! Grass clippings still manage to get into it, and squirrels took advantage of the “nest” to store acorns!

With so many cats around, I hardly ever see squirrels anymore, so this is a surprise, indeed!

Once that was cleared out, I started on the east lawn.

I didn’t finish it.

First, the grass it so tall, I’m constantly stopping to empty the bag. Second, the grass is still pretty damp, so the opening into the bag gets clogged up very quickly. Third, because the grass is so wet, the bag is heavier to lug around than usual!

It’s a good thing I enjoy mowing the lawn!

I’ve got a nice pile of grass clippings going, but we won’t even be able to use it as mulch. Sections of this part of the yard are infested with Creeping Charlie. If I use the grass clippings as mulch, I’ll just be spreading the stuff. 😢

In the end, I had to stop mowing, even though I didn’t have very much left to do. I was getting into the lowers – and, therefore, wettest – parts of the yard, plus I was just getting too tired and too hot.

And by “hot”, I mean it’s 11C/52F out there, with a humidex of 13C/55F Yes, I find that hot. I’m not acclimated to spring temperatures yet! It certainly didn’t help that the sweat on my face seemed to attract some sort of flying insect that would get caught in my glasses, or under the visor of my hat!

Anyhow. I’m taking a break for now. Once the post office reopens for the afternoon, I’ll head out to get the mail, and pick up some sour cream, so my daughter can make her rhubarb cake with our first harvest of the year! Hopefully, by then, the grass will have dried a bit more.

We are currently getting weather warnings for potentially heavy rainfalls, but at the same time, our area isn’t expected to get rain until about 5am.

We’re also getting low enough overnight temperatures that, in some places, they are getting frost warnings. We might be getting frost on the weekend, from the looks of it.

We shall see!

For now, I just need to hydrate, run some errands, then get back to mowing before the rain hits! I hope to be able to finish the inner yard, but I don’t expect to be able to mow around the main garden area, or finish the outer yard. That will have to wait for another day. The old garden area is yellow with dandelions right now. I hope to get that done before they all go to seed, but… we’ll see!

The Re-Farmer

2 thoughts on “Gone squirrelly!

  1. I can’t help but wonder if it wasn’t mice that put the acorns there? They love acorns too. We have been dealing with the wet grass issue too. The thing is tall wet grass takes forever to dry so it almost has to be cut wet in order to dry out. We’ve just had too much rain this spring and could use a week of dry weather.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Well, thanks to having as many as 30 yard cats, we don’t really have mice. LOL

      And yeah, gotta cut it, even when damp, while the sun shines. We’ve got more rain on the way, so it’ll be at least another day or two before I can try and finish the job, and it’ll be cutting more wet grass. 🫤

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