The babies are (mostly) back!

When I headed outside to see how much I could get done in the heat, I had quite the surprise, hissing and spitting at me!

The sun room babies are back!

Except, one is missing.

They are hanging out on and under the laundry platform right now, which is next to the rain barrel. They weren’t too happy with my going back and forth to refill watering cans, but they didn’t leave the laundry platform.

I replaced the coupling on one of the broken hoses and was able to do some watering further away. I’m not sure if it was necessary, as I was hearing thunder by the time I was heading inside. From the looks of the weather radar, we should get a bit of rain, but nothing substantial. Enough that I should probably bring the transplants inside, I suppose. I don’t want the pots to get all blown around and knocked over.

I didn’t make it back to the garden bed, unfortunately.

Okay, that was one heck of an interruption.

I decided to look up old posts to see how far along we were at this time, last year. As I was doing that, the trees outside my window suddenly started swaying like crazy. So I ran to the sun room to bring the transplants in.

We were in a downpour!

There are only 6 trays left to bring in, so it didn’t take me long, but I got completely soaked!

Now that I’m dried off and changed, I look out my window, and the trees are barely moving. The rain has already moved on!

Because I used the rain barrel earlier, I left the diverter off so it could refill. It was about half full. I’ll have to check it and see if it needs to be put back. There was a LOT of water pouring into the barrel as I brought in the trays!


Now… where was I?

Ah, yes…

Looking at posts made in June last year, we didn’t get the last of our transplants – the melons – in until June 24th. On the one hand, that’s a bit encouraging. On the other hand, around the same time, we already had tomatoes and Sweet Chocolate peppers formed. We were already harvesting spinach by now, and about to pull them to be replaced with the last of our onion transplants, but this year, the spinach just isn’t doing well at all, and most are still just tiny little things. A couple of them are bigger, but nothing that can be harvested from.

So we’re not “behind” when it comes to getting everything into the garden, compared to last year, but we were further along in the things that did get into the ground by now. Even our shelling peas, last year, were blooming and starting to develop pods. This year, I just got the shelling peas planted a few days ago!

However, our focus was very different this year. We didn’t do as many tomatoes – we will have lots in the freezer from last year – but instead went with a lot of winter squash and melons. We aren’t doing a lot of peppers, but do have at least as many varieties. Much of our attention has been directed towards getting the existing low raised beds shifted to their permanent positions before planting in them. That’s been slow going, but not shifting them would not have been any faster, since they got so thoroughly invaded with weeds, despite our best efforts.

Well, we’ll see how things work out.

As much as all the rain we’ve been having this spring has slowed things down, What we do have planted is certainly the better for it!

Though, after this downpour, I’m going to have to check the squash and melons, in particular, to see if they were damaged.

Well, we do what we can, when we can.

Little by little, it’ll get done.

The Re-Farmer

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