Our 2024 Garden: I’m getting too old and broken for this

But it’s finally done.

The second low raised bed has been weeded and shifted over.

It took way longer than it should have.

Finding and fighting the bigger tree roots was bad enough. Once I was finally clear of those and working my way through new ground to the other end, I had another issue. At about the middle, I started hitting mats of Creeping Charlie. At that point, I didn’t even try to weed them, and was just digging out and tossing aside sod. Plus, I kept hitting rocks. Not particularly large rocks, but lots of them.

So now the new edges of the bed are clear, and the soil piled in the middle … mostly. The hole where I dug out the most roots got filled, but that’s it.

The next bed is probably going to be done differently. One side of it is so infested with Creeping Charlie, it’s not worth weeding or shifting the soil I’ll probably remove the infested soil completely. Which sucks, because we worked really hard to amend that soil for our vegetables, not for the Creeping Charlie!

I won’t be starting it today, though. Time to pain killer up again, and take a break.

I keep forgetting that I’m getting too old and broken for this.

The Re-Farmer

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