
Even Adam thinks so.

She’s just a big, round ball of fluff, disgusted with this wind.

I’m glad I did that burn when I did, because yesterday, in spite of the temperature being a mild -1C/30F, we were getting winds of around 45kph/28mph, and our wind chill was -17C/1F. As I write this now, we’re at -5C/23F, but the 34kph/21mph winds have it feeling like -21C/-6F.

It’s a good thing the winds are coming from the north-northeast. When I came out to feed the yard cats this morning, I found the sunroom doors wide open. I’d chased at least 4 racoons out last night, and heard others in the kibble house, before tying the doors off again, but somehow, the buggers unsecured the doors anyhow. At least they didn’t trash the sunroom too much, and we do make sure to feed the cats early enough in the evening that they will have had their fill before the trash pandas ate their food!

We had plans to meet up with the Cat Lady this weekend, but I wasn’t sure when. Now it looks like I’ll be doing errands with my mother tomorrow (Sunday), so that’s not an option. While I do need to go into town to refill a couple of water jugs, I’m seriously considering not heading out. The wind on its own is not a problem. We did have some rain yesterday which, along with the driveway and roads covered with snowmelt, means things are awfully slippery out there. Just going down the driveway while doing my morning rounds mean doing the penguin walk to avoid landing on my a$$. The highways are probably okay, but the gravel roads will be nasty. Maybe I’ll leave it for tomorrow, and do it in my mother’s town, instead.

I think today is a good day to stay indoors and catch up on my crochet.

The Re-Farmer

4 thoughts on “Brrr

  1. Smart call!
    I recently rescheduled a vet appt because it was windy in their area and I feared a eucalyptus tree falling on the car. Went to the vet the next day and saw the remains of a fallen tree in their parking lot. Gotta pay attention to those instincts!

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