Our 2024 Garden: first harvest!

Yes, it’s still May, but I did our first harvest this morning!

The rhubarb in the south corner of the old kitchen garden is doing very well. I harvested a bunch, which should open things up and give the other stalks more room to grow. I have no idea what we will do with it. Maybe we have the ingredients for the rhubarb cake my daughter likes to make.

Today is turned out to be an off day. Since I did a dump run and a Walmart trip, it should have been a recovery day. Instead, I woke up stiff and sore in every joint. This, on top of a mostly sleepless night. I couldn’t get myself to bed until well past 1am; I knew trying to go to bed earlier would just be an exercise in frustration. Then, once I did finally get to bed, several cats suddenly got the zoomies, and were chasing each other around the house. That, of course, included running right over me in bed, as well as getting into placed they are not allowed.

Still, I should not have been waking up in so much pain, and just sooooo sleepy.

Then I checked the weather and realized why.

The rain we weren’t supposed to get until Friday arrived early. Just scattered showers, but still cloudy and dreary out there. Depending on which weather app I check, we’ll either get a bit of rain today, none tomorrow, then rain on Friday – or we will be getting scattered showers tomorrow as well.

This sort of weather has always made me feel sleepy. Even when I was a kid, it had that affect on me. Then I developed osteo-arthritis, and this sort of weather triggers it, badly. Everything hurts. Not severely, but enough to make moving around rather unpleasant, to say the least!

Things are supposed to clear up and warm up a bit, later, so I think I’ll take some painkillers and try lying down for a couple of hours – if I can squeeze in amongst the cats, that seem to be worn out from all their running around last night, and are now sprawled across my bed!

I can’t afford too many days like this. There is too much work to do outside!

The Re-Farmer

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