Rough start to a good day

I woke this morning to way too much pain and stiffness, so I asked my daughters to do both the outside and inside cat feeding, so I could take some painkillers and sleep in a bit.

Then I saw my younger daughter come in to do the food bowls in my room, and she’s still using a cane! Damn. We’re quite the household of gimps!

I’ll cover the garden stuff I got done today in a different post, but besides that…

First on the to-do list was a trip into town. Our expected prescription delivered on Wednesday is going to be delayed, as their driver isn’t available on the usual day. With most of my husband’s medications, he has ample supply, but not his new painkillers. So that got ordered, and was ready for pick up today. That gave me a chance to pick up some antihistamines for myself as well. I don’t know what I’m allergic to outside – likely a tree pollen – and it’s very annoying.

Since I was going to be in town anyhow, I grabbed our two empty 18.9L (5 gallon) water jugs to refill at the grocery store.

I forgot.

This is Canada Day weekend.

Town was so incredibly busy and crowded! We definitely need to avoid it until after Canada Day.

There were, at least, some really good sales on at the grocery store. I only took advantage of two; one brand of salad kits were almost half off, so I ended up getting 12 bags; 4 of three different mixes. Then I saw nacho chips were on sale, so I grabbed some of those. We already have cheese and olives, so my husband could have some nachos for a treat.

Once back at home and after I had lunch, it was outside to get some work done, while the weather was good. In the process, I got to see a whole bunch of kittens, of course.

We can now confirm that the white and grey mama has brought her four white and grey/black kittens back to the sun room! I spotted her on the critter cam, nursing some of them, while others – white and and greys from Adam’s litter – played nearby. I counted six kittens with her at the time. That makes 12 kittens in 3 litters now using the sun room.

I do wish Broccli would bring hers over. They are starting to get big! I’m going to stop leaving food by the old garden shed, so they have reason to come to the house for kibble, instead.

Towards the end of the day outside, I just had to pause and get a picture of the mock orange under the clothes line.

It is in full bloom right now, and a mass of white flowers. Just gorgeous!

The only downside of the day was finding the racoon back – with two very big, round babies (more like teenagers!) in tow!

Racoons make the strangest snarling, barking noise.

I saw some skunks around, too, but they are not as destructive or greedy as the racoons, and easier to chase away.

Still, I was able to get quite a bit done outside, in just a few hours, so I’m happy.

More on that, in my next post!

The Re-Farmer

2 thoughts on “Rough start to a good day

  1. Lovely photos! I hope you’re feeling better all over, today. “Raccoons are not a close relation to bears, but they’re in the same clade” — I’ll leave others to look that up, lol, but I did hear a raccoon fight one night, and it was utterly terrifying because I didn’t know it wasn’t bears until after they split and I saw both bandits run off! (Skunk fight noises are less scary, but alarming, too!) Lastly, Happy 157th Canada Day / weekend to you and yours!

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