A deer appearance

It’s been a while to see deer in the trail cams, but this morning, I saw a whole bunch!

These were the first to come by.

It’s really hard to tell, but there is a third deer on the other side of the fence. They like to slip between the barbed while in this spot.

The little one nearer the fence, which would have been born this spring, went through, but the adult in the foreground ended up waking off towards the driveway.

Then this guy showed up…

A handsome three point buck!

What a catch! I rarely use image enhancement on my photos (mostly because I don’t know how and don’t care enough to learn), but I did use the auto fix in my software on these ones, so you could better see the deer jumping the fence.

The “light” behind him is actually a reflection. That’s our driveway marker, which shows up in the infrared flash looking like a bright light.

In previous years, we would be buying deer feed and including it with the bird seed at the feeding station outside our living room window, but with our mild temperatures this year, there has been no need. We’ll probably start supplementing them once there is snow on the ground that stays. Which may not be until mid-November, if the long range forecasts are right!

The Re-Farmer

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