Our 2024 Garden, and the morning so far

First, the cuteness!

Syndol was keeping me company this morning!

I counted 33 yard cats during feeding time. !!

But Syndol was my only helper.

While doing my rounds, I was able to get a bit of work done on the bed against the chain link fence.

It’s finally thawed out enough to dig into. I just loosened things up this morning. There are many roots and rhizomes that need to be removed, some of which are now drying in the sun until I can get back to it later.

Syndol would follow me along as I worked my way down the bed, reaching out every now and then to bat at the garden fork, or the roots I was pulling up!

He’s such a cutie!

On another note, my younger daughter now has a nice new pair or steel toed shoes.

I confirmed that the pain in my left foot was from my outer toes hitting the edge of the steel toe cap. The problem is not so much the shoe, as my deformed feet. *sigh* This is not something that is going to get better, so I got my daughter to try them on and walk around in them for a while. She can feel the edge of the toe cap, but it’s not a problem for her.

So it’s back to my old ones or my rubber boots, until I can get another pair of steel toes. I’m really glad my daughter can use these new ones!

Before working on the bed by the chain link fence, I uncovered the carrot bed and removed more of the mulch over the carrots. Unfortunately, there are still frozen chunks that just won’t move. The three beds in this location do get quite a bit of light throughout the day, but no morning light, and that seems to be making the difference.

Which means the carrots frozen in the bed are likely not salvageable. Lesson learned!

Oh! I got a call while I was writing the above. The Cat Lady updated us on Wolfman. He did get those fancy drops and his first treatment, and his eye is already looking almost completely healed! The vet says that for sure the injury was blunt force trauma of some kind. There may even be a tiny fracture in the bone. We’re at a complete loss as to how this happened! He’s going back to the vet on Monday, and they’ll get a look at the back of his eye to see if there’s any other damage to be concerned about, but so far, he’s healing up really well.

Such good news!

Now… where was I?

Ah. Garden stuff!

Before heading outside, I turn on the lights for the seedlings and check on them. Check these out!

They are just exploding in size! Even the comparatively small luffa are growing so quickly! I’m quite thrilled.

I will have to decide, though; will I thin them by removing, or transplanting? I’m very tempted to try transplanting the extras. The more potential transplants, the more likely we’ll have at least one survive outside.

I still have time to decide.

Among my goals for the day is to finish up that bed at the chain link fence, but I will start on that after I’ve gone to the post office when it reopens for the afternoon. According to the tracking information, our potatoes are ready for pick up at the post office, and the owner of the store has signed for our Fed Ex delivery, so that’s ready for pick up, too.

I hadn’t decided on what will be planted in the bed by the chain link fence. Once that’s done, it should be suitable for the 1kg of Caribe potatoes. Then we’ll just have to prepare space for the 2kg of Butterball potatoes.

We shall see how it works out!

Lots that can finally be worked on outside!

I’m loving every minute of it. 😁😁

The Re-Farmer

7 thoughts on “Our 2024 Garden, and the morning so far

    • I might try them in the concrete block planters at the chain link fence. Nothing grew well in them last year, though. If I have multiple surviving transplants, I will probably grow at least one in the wattle weave bed again – it really liked climbing that lilac bush last year!

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