Aaaannddd… we got more rain

This morning, I was planning to work on shifting that last bed in the main garden area. I knew it would be wet, but figured it wouldn’t be too bad by then, since the rain had stopped so much earlier than forecast.

I didn’t real we got more rain overnight.

There is even more open water around the inner yard than every before. The ground is so saturated, it’s just got nowhere to go.

We’re supposed to get quite warm today, and tomorrow they’re now saying to expect a high of 28C/82F. The forecast now also says no rain until Friday. Which would mean, counting the rest of today, 5 days with no rain, and most of Friday, too.

I really hope this forecast is accurate!

I didn’t get to work on the low raised bed, but I did get to check out other things.

The first of our Purple Caribe potatoes have flower buds!

There’s only about 5 plants that have grown, with most of the row empty, but one plant is much, much bigger than all the others.

I also found a little frog friend. 💚

I managed to get a decent picture of Junk Pile. She normally doesn’t sit still long enough. I also saw all four of her babies, though I only got pictures of three. They are spending most of their time in the sun room. Understandably, they are more nervous than before, and are quick to run under the shelf counter to hide.

As for Junk Pile, I was keeping tabs with the critter cam last night. I saw her nursing her babies in the sun room and being generally maternal.

Then I heard her start growling and attacking something in the opening of the tied off outside door.

She didn’t succeed in driving the racoon away, but she tried!

I went and chased it out. It had gone straight for the cat cage, where I like to keep some food for the kittens.

We have got to do something about the racoons!

There is still no sign of the white and grey babies, though I do see the mama every time I go out to feed them. I startled Broccoli’s two in the garden shed when I opened it to leave food inside for them. I probably shouldn’t do that, since I want them to come to the front of the house, but Broccoli stands guard over them and being very protect and, after what happened to the newborns, they are probably safter in there. Mind you, they aren’t quite so helpless, but still…

So I’ll be monitoring how things are outside today, and see how much things get absorbed. While doing my rounds this morning, I went to check the barn to make sure the top half of the back door didn’t get blown open again. The tall grass has been flattened by the wind in places, and my pantlegs were still soaked to above my knees. I was splashing through water the whole way. All around the house in the inner yard, I’m seeing water where I’ve never seen it before, even growing up here as a child. My brother, who would remember things much clearer than me, says the same thing. I still hope to get work done on that bed, since tomorrow – Monday – is supposed to get so hot, but it might have to wait until Tuesday. Wednesday, I’ll be making my first city shopping trip, then the second one on Friday, so I’ll be trying to get things done in between. If things dry up enough, my daughter might be able to do some mowing while I’m gone, too. At least in the parts we’ve managed to mow so far.

Looking at my posts from a year ago, we’re not that far behind. It was a year ago tomorrow that I got our last transplants in – however, I also had our direct sowing done by now, and this year we have barely any direct sowing to do.

We went a little nuts on the winter squash and melons this year. They need a lot of space.

If I can’t work on the bed, I should at least remember to plant the new purple bush beans seeds I picked up, to replace the ones where only one germinated.

Mostly, though, I want to get that last bed done so I can finish transplanting the onions! Once those are in, time will be less of an issue. It shouldn’t even take all that long, either, since it’s not full of creeping Charlie and the soil doesn’t need to be sifted.

Well, if not today, we should be able to get it done tomorrow.

Unless it rains again.

The Re-Farmer

5 thoughts on “Aaaannddd… we got more rain

    • Its been such a wet spring – and now we are officially into summer! We were getting all those warnings about a drought year. I don’t begrudge having our water table level increasing, after years of drought, but a break would be nice!

      I’ve been watched the greys playing in the sun room on the critter cam. So adorable!

      And yes. F the raccoons!!!

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